
Popular Music

Heather Nova Solo plays Baloise Session


Heather Nova was raised on a sailboat, where she spent years sailing the Atlantic with her parents. She would sit at the bow of the ship and contemplate the endless sea and the freedom of the birds while she sang and played her guitar. This enrapture continues to influence her poetic songs which seem as fragile as the delicate singer herself. When she sings of longing in her elven voice with her feet planted on solid ground, she does not sing of the sea, and yet, somehow, she is always in the middle of the sea. Fittingly, her 2011 album was called ‘300 Days At Sea’. It is about the Bermudas, where she was born and where she has been living again after years of commuting between Los Angeles, New York and London.

Additional Info

  • No: 8215
  • Production year: 2013
  • Run time: 01:19:00
  • Director: Roli Bärlocher
  • Producers: Session Basel AG, SRF
  • Format: HDTV 16:9
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